Left our Rhode River anchorage a little later this morning...we notice more and more trees turning beautiful autumn hues.

More lovely homes...(I guess my attraction to homes has to do with the 'real estate' gene...)

We're not quite certain as to what the large white building is...perhaps a school?

A PERFECT autumn day on the Chesapeake...smooth seas, "Indian summer" weather, lots of 'scenes'!

The well-recognized Thomas Point Lighthouse - one of the more popular symbols of the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake.
More freighter traffic - these two were really BIG boys! Autos inside the gray one???

Sailing lessons anyone?

Yes, we'll be passing under these twin bridges, then turning portside/west in the channel to head toward Baltimore!

Passing under the two bridges (but very unlike the two bridges we first tried passing through in Stuart, FL - this passage was uneventful)!

Another stylish Chesapeake lighthouse.

And another...
Friends to greet us...but we actually think they were waiting for passers-by to throw them some food.

Up the Patapsco River...getting closer to Baltimore!
The Frances Scott Key Bridge!

Active ports...

The only red, white and blue buoy in the country (if not the world)! It marks the location where Frances Scott Key was on board a British ship, looking back at Ft. McHenry and seeing the 'stars and stripes' flying proud and high!

Approaching Baltimore: Ft. McHenry in the foreground, and Baltimore skyline behind.

Cruising in to Baltimore's "Inner Harbor"

The "Domino Sugar" sign from a water view...this sign is supposed to be the largest neon sign in the country! (We'll strive to get a 'lit-up' picture too.)

The Harbor's famous 'water taxi's'.

Captain Ron did a terrific job of backing us into a slip at the Inner Harbor Marine Center - right downtown! This was our first attempt at backing in, and Ron made it 'smooth'!

The city is still awake...lots of lights, and lots of activity - and Spirit Journey is enjoying her new slip surrounded by it all!

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