I got back to our floating home safely from Michigan, and a too short visit with cousins Julie & Don, Linda & Kenny, and Ellen and Bill in the Allentown, PA area on my way back. (Always enjoyed seeing cousins Sandy and Rod in Michigan too!) Hungry ducks were boatside - so we fed them some extra soda crackers which had accumulated from our numerous trips to the neighboring DC Seafood Market.

Leaving DC dockage early this morning, and this boat needed to make room for the "Spirit of Mount Vernon" to leave it's dockage for a trip south.
Bye Bye DC, see you next trip....

We enjoyed our visit to the nation's capital!

Now southbound down the Potomac.

Reagan National Airport

Wilson Bridge

Ft. Washington

Ron thought he could see a cannon pointed at us....

I thought I could hear drums and foot steps....

Exquisite Mt. Vernon
Beautiful homes

Not much room left at the Inn.....

It's going to be a little choppy today...we're driving inside from the helm...too windy on the flybridge.
As the day progressed we enjoyed bigger waves, some over the bow to dirty up Ron's boat wash from yesterday....
Here's a video...

Bobbin' up

Bobbin' down...

He's "cold" so needed to put on his wool vest!

Familiar site on St. Clements...it means our anchorage for the night, in Canoe Neck Creek, is right around the corner. We traveled over 85 miles today - which is a long 'boat day' for us. We generally have averaged about 50 miles a day.
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