Walking along the short of historic Yorktown, to catch our free shuttle bus to Williamsburg and Jamestown.
Ron in front of the corridor of flags - one each for all 50 states. This is in front of the museum at the Jamestown Settlement. (One heck of a nice museum - Ron and I enjoyed it very much.)
More HGTV interior shots...ooopps...I mean HGBTV (Home and Garden BEFORE TV)...notice the skunk skin...
The first of three ships - replicas of those that landed at Jamestown. These ships represent full-size re-creations of the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery. When you think about how many persons travelled on board; the conditions; and the length of time it took to travel from England...over four months...you can only be amazed.
Cannon wagon...
Every living creature is hot and humid today...this chicken takes a drink of water; at the re-creation of the Jamestown Settlement's 'village'.
They used floor rugs as table covers...for a couple of reasons: as a status symbol, and because they didn't want to put them on the floor because they would get dirty.