Took a journey today via car down to the beautiful harbor town of Georgetown, SC - primarily visiting the downtown historic district. Did you know that at one time, Georgetown, SC was the rice capital of the world? Shipments to Seattle went around Cape Horn!

Georgetown Harbor's boardwalk...
Made a stop at the South Carolina Maritime Museum...

And took the tour of the Rice Museum...mortars and pestles used for getting the rice kerns out of the hulls. Many of these looked as though they were made 'on site' by field workers!

a miniature display of how rice is processed... 'a rice mill'....

The remains of a vessel built in the 1700's; the ribs are from live oak trees on the plantations; outside was covered with cedar planks; wooden nails were used, many still in place and holding strong.

Known as The Browns Ferry, the vessel was recovered from one of the area plantations after it had sunk decades ago. Researchers have found evidence that point to the Ferry being made some 50 earlier that previous known ship building occurring in the US....

We learned that most of the plantations had their own boats built which transported supplies, field workers, family and friends to the plantations. Rice and other grown produce were moved to market - primarily Georgetown - by larger boats and barges.

The Davis Back Staff or Quadrant was used for navigation. Our old friend Captains Bill and Wendy Boettcher can explain this much better than I, so I took a picture of how it is intended to be used.

A miniature replica of the first vessel...

Volumes of accounting ledgers were on hand at the Rice Museum...note the 'woodworker's shopping list...five pounds of glue at 10 cents per pound in 1792! The Rasp is listed at $0.50 !!
A "real" cash register!

The museum had the original wood floors which were installed sometime in the early 1700's apparently. They are a little 'uneven' but well worn and holding up great!

Lunch today was at a 50's style "Highway 55 Burgers" joint; and dinner tonight at a local favorite - Prosser's BBQ (but more seafood than BBQ).
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